To give prospective joining members some insight in to why joining Freemasonry could be worthwhile, we have included here below, quotes from some of our Brethren as to why they joined the Fraternity. Some of these quotes are also scattered about this site. Take some time to read them and consider the implications and whether they describe your feelings.

I knew for many years my Uncle was a Freemason. He was always someone who I looked up to and my mother used to tell me of my Uncle's service. In Summer 2001, over a few drops of Rum I finally had the opportunity to ask him about the Lodge after which I was initiated the following year. Looking back and knowing my feelings, there are many Mason out there, good and honest, upstanding men with humility, who have not yet been initiated!
To put something back in to Society
Tradition has always excited me, and whilst the realms of the English Aristocracy may be slightly out of my reach (for now) Freemasonry gave me an outlet to scratch that itch. It also gave me a reason to dress up and eat a cracking meal with friends every so often, so what wasn’t to like?
Have enjoyed my career working my way through the ranks and personal challenges which I wanted to continue in later life and after researching, I decided that Freemasonry would have profound similarities, Freemasonry is about moving from level to level as you gain further knowledge and experience, starting with being an apprentice.
I felt there was something missing in my life, yes I had a good job, many friends and colleagues but I was searching for something more resolute and over time, the Fellowship within the Lodge has plugged that void within me.
From reading and researching along with curiosity, joining the Freemasons appealed to me as I had a strong desire in also gaining knowledge which could make me a better person.
On a personal journey that comes with age, I wanted to understand who my dearly departed Father was and with him being a Mason, joining was a great opportunity of getting to know him through talking to his fellow Brethren and learning about his personality.
Having semi-retired, I was seeking something new to occupy my free time and found that I love the camaraderie that Freemasonry offers and being on the level with men from all aspects of life, who share the same values.
I was a reluctant joiner but I have found Freemasonry to be many things, challenging, stimulating, fun and full of great people from all walks of life - what more could ask of any association of people.
To work and learn from like-minded people and help others less fortunate than myself.
I liked the morals and how all race/ cultures are all equal with no politics or religious discussions. All of the above is very important to me plus I love the unity of freemasonry and the help they give unconditionally to all.
My Brother in Law (who lives some distance away) was in The Round Table and I wanted to join something similar. My neighbour was in the Masons and I decided to join as I would then know someone there. I joined thinking it was all about charity but soon realised it was much more than that. It is also about fraternity and character building as well as supporting each other. I have never regretted my decision and would recommend it to anyone who wants to become a better, all-round caring individual.
Not being a religious person nor an atheist, I was searching for a place and a meaning in life. The Grand Principles upon which Freemasonry is founded - Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth give me a moral code of conduct by which to live my life, which will hopefully encourage me to be a better man tomorrow than the one I am today.
I became a freemason aged 22 and here are just some of the reasons why: Meaningful and worthwhile; Advances the knowledge of oneself and our place in society, in the world, and in the Universe; Supports those in need - locally, nationally and globally - through charitable giving and fundraising; Originated in Medieval times and was formally established in England over 300 years ago; Never discriminates on grounds of race, colour or creed Informs on how to become a better person by acquiring knowledge Camaraderie - friends made in freemasonry are often for life.
To become a better person, and to be part of a brotherhood that does amazing charity work worldwide, as well as supporting local charities and Brethren.
As I got older, I realized that I had not returned much that society had given me so with a desire to help other people and getting involved in the local community through Freemasonry, this has helped me realise my goal.
Freemasonry is now 300 years old; it always spiked my imagination and interest: the history, the traditions, the unspoken & unknown - it was all rather mystical or special. I can now share with you, "wow - there's simply nothing else like it". I was 42 when I joined and I only have one regret - that I didn't join earlier!
A place to belong.