Our History
De la Pole Lodge 1605 was founded in 1876. With a proud history of many notable local benefactors and men of distinction it currently has fifty six members with an average of sixty years - youngest is twenty six. A seafaring Lodge with twelve Master Mariners and seafarers amongst its Brethren.
Our Activities
In addition to our meetings and ceremonies our Lodge of instruction (LOI) provides you with the opportunity to enjoy lighthearted ceremony rehearsals, Open Night rehearsals, educational and Masonic discussions. The lodge proudly embraces the tenants of principles of freemasonry which are just as relevant today as they were over 300 years ago. Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity being the basic starting points leading on to the many other ideal virtues. "Making good men better"
Charitable principles
De la Pole Lodge was a grand patron of the Masonic Samaritan festival 2018, which raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for both Masonic and non-Masonic were the causes of the festival's five year period. Our charitable principles are not limited to pure monetary considerations but extend to direct engagement in local community and a deep care for local and wider society.
Social occasions
Throughout the year we usually hold a number of social events such as Ladies night, garden party, Burns night, Chinese banquets, Christmas dinner etc. To which we invite our families and friends for a convivial occasion.
Lodge visits
A wonderful aspects of Freemasonry is the ability to visit other approved Lodges throughout the United Kingdom and, indeed world-wide, meeting like minded members of the Brotherhood in friendship.
Join us
if our profile appeals to you then please contact our secretary who will be delighted to give you more information and answer any questions you may have. email: secretary1605@gmail.com
10 meetings a year.
2nd Friday January to June, August to November.
7pm - 11pm approx.
Installation October
4.30pm - 10.30pm approx.
The Masonic hall
Beverley Road,
Hull. HU3 1XL
Contact Secretary:
Dress Code
Dark lounge suit and white shirt, Provincial or black tie and white gloves.
Membership fees
Joining and registration | £75 |
Joining | £50 |
Annual Subscription | £180 |
Instruction & rehersals
From October to March we usually have on evenings instruction or rehearsal for future ceremonies to assist all the Brethren in Masonic knowledge.
In freemasonry our dining arrangements are known as festive boards which are held after our meetings and ceremonies. They are very important part of the occasion as they allow members to relax and enjoy the company of their fellow diners. A two course meal with tea/coffee is usually, around a very reasonable £13.
"Making good men better"